Friday, 9 September 2011

So why the Kids Company?

I’m not proud to admit this but if I’m honest it would probably be fair to say that generally speaking I don’t have a very high opinion of the “youth of today” (I know I’ve barely crept into middle aged but stick with me for a moment) and instinctively I leap to almost every negative trait that fits the stereotype (lazy, disinterested, hostile etc).

However, there are two additional factors that I have to take into consideration:

  1. This opinion is based on virtually no factual evidence and completely fails to take into account the circumstances of any particular individual.  
  2.  I AM WRONG and this reflex opinion probably says a lot more about my own insecurities!
So regardless of what my initial instincts may tell me I am absolutely convinced that if provided with the opportunity and a little emotional support, the so called “youth of today” would surprise me with their creativity, passion and confidence.

And this is what the KIDS COMPANY does.

Simply put they aim to provide practical, emotional support currently reaching 14,000 vulnerable inner-city children across London.

They look to build sustained, caring relationships which will allow them to satisfy both the practical and emotional needs of the children they are working with, in their words:

“We are relentless in our love, doing whatever it takes to protect children struggling to survive their childhood”

Kids Company children may find themselves facing problems like homelessness or sustained trauma, others may have fallen victim to substance abuse and most will be experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties.  

The Kids Company support empowers children and young people and independent research has revealed tangible results of reduced substance abuse, reintegration into education and improved anger management.

Over the next few months I’ll be adding more posts about the Kids Company and the work they do but in the meantime please visit the website and if, like me, you feel their work is worth supporting then please sponsor me (I am funding all the costs of this trip so every penny you donate will go towards the Kids Company).

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