Miriakamba Hut – 17th February
On Meru all the accommodation is in huts, each room has four bunks and if it’s free the key will be hanging on the door frame.
Undoubtedly the biggest complement of the day was when having been shown to my room by our ranger, Vitus, my new found Swiss friend Reto expressed surprise (and disappointment?) when he discovered we wouldn’t be sharing.
Not quite 5 star (but it does come with a morning coffee tray)!
Undoubtedly the biggest complement of the day was when having been shown to my room by our ranger, Vitus, my new found Swiss friend Reto expressed surprise (and disappointment?) when he discovered we wouldn’t be sharing.
No sooner had I dropped my bag off my shoulder when one of my porters, Mustapha, appeared with a bowl of hot water and some soap, perhaps they had smelt me coming!
Mustapha, porter, waiter & self appointed Swahili tutor.
Following a much needed wash I was pointed towards the Mess hut, I hadn’t really stopped since arriving so the sight of tea, coffee and popcorn and an opportunity to sit down and gather my thoughts was very, VERY welcome!
Afternoon tea, Tanzanian style.
The Miriakamba Huts were bustling with activity playing hosts to guests on their way up the mountain as well as those who were on their way down following their summit attempt that morning.
As the afternoon cloud cleared revealing the long ridge leading up to the summit it became much easier to distinguish the two groups
Miriakamba Huts and the view up to the summit
Those on their descent looked up with a weary but satisfied smile whilst the rest of us stared at the summit with a combination of excitement, trepidation and awe!
As the sun set and the mountain behind us faded to a dark silhouette it was time for dinner.

Yours truly with the "other" mountain in Tanzania in the background
Amazing is in already in danger of becoming an overused superlative but I just couldn’t (and still can’t) believe how well I was going to eat in the mountain.
Armed with little more than a glorified camping stove my cook had whipped up a first night feast of soup, fried fish and roast potatoes served with a vegetable stew and finished with a big bowl of fruit salad!
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