Ilboru Safari Lodge – 20h February
The walk out from Miriakamba to Momella Gate was nice and straightforward, not too steep and with a nice contrast as we moved through the forest before breaking out onto grassy plains where the only thing keeping the grass short is the grazing Buffalo.
Moving through the forest....
Before breaking onto grassy plains!
Spirits were high with a blend of satisfaction having reached the summit of the mountain we were leaving behind and anticipation for the challenge that Kilimanjaro would bring.
After an hour and a half the ground levelled noticeably and we knew that our Mt Meru adventure was almost at an end but it was soon apparent that the mountain has just a little more to offer!
Following the trail towards a bridge we veered off to the right were the walls began to climb forming a chasm that at its peak was 50ft high with a tangled maze of tree roots spilling down its sides and a waterfall at its apex.
Admiring the waterfall before getting a closer look at the tumbling tree roots.
As we crossed the last plain before the gate under the careful gaze of Wildebeest and Warthog we saw a big crowd of “day trekkers” heading towards us.
Warthog and Wildebeast on the final plain before the gate.
I couldn’t hold back a wry smile as I imagined what an intrepid (ragged?) group my Swiss friends and I must make heading towards them with the mountain rising up behind!
Our arrival back at the start triggered a new round of celebratory handshakes (and the perfect excuse for chilled Kilimanjaro beer) as we signed the register and Vitus presented our certificates.
Two certificates for the price of one
(you wouldn't normally get one for Little Meru if you'd reached "Socialist Peak")
Eventually we were out of excuses for further delay and it was time to say goodbye to Reto & Vreni.
Despite a slightly awkward start I can honestly say it had been both a pleasure and a relief having some company on the mountain.
Whilst I had gone fully prepared to enjoy my adventure on my own there’s nothing to compare to the camaraderie gained through sharing an experience with like minded companions.
Hands shook and email addresses swapped we headed our separate ways with the drive back to the Ilborou providing time to ponder the new group I was about to meet!
Mt Meru......DONE!
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