Ever since I first started telling people that I was doing Kilimanjaro one of the questions that keeps cropping up is whether Claire is going to do it as well.
It’s a question that makes me smile because although the answer is a straight forward “no” the reality is a little different.
Walking and camping isn’t really Claire’s thing well at least it wasn’t until we spent a week in Snowdonia this summer and she suggested that we should climb Snowdon.
Yes she found it tough and with a strong fear of heights she pioneered ways across some of the more exposed stretches that I wouldn’t have thought possible unless I had seen it with my own eyes!
But it was undoubtedly one of the proudest and most satisfying days of my life, to be able to share one of the things I love doing the most with the person I love the most was a privilege that I will cherish forever.
In spite of the pain and the fear I think she came out of that week with a much deeper appreciation for what I get out of my time in the hills.
However even without this understanding she had been supporting and encouraging me towards my Kilimanjaro dream.
It’s her support and encouragement that has gotten me through my training, that has helped organise the logistics and driven forward the sponsorship.
And so whilst she may not physically climbing Kilimanjaro with me she has already been a bigger part of my adventure that I ever could have dreamed.
And that’s why I love her!
Thats such a fab valentines message!